
One App - Every Channel

A Camlin Connect App is able to run on any channel and platform, changes can be deployed across all channels instantly

Future-Proof all your applications by making them work across any channel


Our methods for Omnichannel is to provide YOU with the technology to build an app that is intelligent enough to run on any channel.


Apps automatically supports all the major cloud and offline speech and AI technology, enabling the technology across channels.


Rapid application creation, changes applied to all channels automatically, which makes Omnichannel possible and practical

CX Focused

Real CX improvements can be seen when you are able to provide a consistent CX and intelligence (data, history etc.) across all your channels


Very low-code, you can create an application without even writing any code. Just drag-n-drop everything or use AI tools to insert code into the app whenever you like


We see a future where we don't need to write documentation, instead why not let your apps write their own documents!

Omnichannel Assistants

Create applications that work across all the major channels and platforms automatically.
Applications that are easy to create and manage but very powerful, they can even write their own documentation!
Camlin Apps

Cognitive Technology

It was our goal to provide a way to easily integrate and use any AI/cognitive technology within a Camlin App.
We support all the major cloud and offline speech and AI technology.

Speech Technology, Including...


Support for Alexa and Amazon Home Devices, Amazon Lex and other speech technology.


IBM BlueMix and the associated speech recognition, speech to text and associated services.


Microsoft LUIS and associated Azure public-cloud and private-cloud speech services.


Fully integrated with Google speech technology for recognition and synthesizing.

AI Technology, Including


Support all Amazon NLU and cognitive services like Lex.


IBM BlueMix and the associated speech recognition, speech to text, Sentiment and associated services.


Microsoft LUIS and associated Azure public-cloud and private-cloud speech services.


Fully integrated with Google speech technology for recognition and synthesizing.

Rapid App Creation

The Camlin product suite provides the best tools around to create apps rapidly and deploy them across all channels. They also know how to write their own documentation!


Using the drag-n-drop browser based visual flow builder Apps are created in hours.


Camlin Apps know how to write their own documentation, with one click you can produce professional design and CX documents.

If you would like to know more about CamlinConnect and how this Omnichannel and Virtual Assistant Platform can benefit your business.