Cafe Bot

AI Based Virtual Sales Assistant

Omnichannel Ordering and Payment System that is powered by Camlin Connect

Online, mobile, phone, SMS, chatbot, speech recognition and other channels supported.

Omni Channel Technology for Cafe's

Bringing world leading Omnichannel technology to Cafe's (and other business sectors to come!) is an exciting thing for the Nuamedia team

Phone ordering for bookings, pickups, deliveries, that include phone call automation (voice and visual bots), SMS automation, website, mobile app etc.

Lets see it all in action across channels!

Digital IVR


Web Site

Voice Call

With Digital IVR
Call Pure Wholefoods:
+61 290 372 230

SMS Chatbot

SMS Chatbot Orders
Send "hello" SMS to:
+61 437 160 687


Simulate an API Client
Send a HTTP Post to App:
This URL

Google Home

Say "Cafe Bot"
or Call Google Home (USA):
+1 347 378 6126

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